Документация PHP



YAZ Функции

PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PECL yaz:0.9-1.0.9)

yaz_scan — Prepares for a scan


void yaz_scan ( resource $id , string $type , string $startterm [, array $flags ] )

This function prepares for a Z39.50 Scan Request on the specified connection.

To actually transfer the Scan Request to the server and receive the Scan Response, yaz_wait() must be called. Upon completion of yaz_wait() call yaz_error() and yaz_scan_result() to handle the response.

Список параметров


The connection resource returned by yaz_connect().


Currently only type rpn is supported.


Starting term point for the scan.

The form in which the starting term is specified is given by parameter type .

The syntax this parameter is similar to the RPN query as described in yaz_search(). It consists of zero or more @attr-operator specifications, then followed by exactly one token.


This optional parameter specifies additional information to control the behaviour of the scan request. Three indexes are currently read from the flags array: number (number of terms requested), position (preferred position of term) and stepSize (preferred step size).

Возвращаемые значения

Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.


Пример #1 PHP function that scans titles

function scan_titles($id$startterm
yaz_scan($id"rpn""@attr 1=4 " $startterm);
$errno yaz_errno($id);
  if (
$errno == 0) {
$ar yaz_scan_result($id, &$options);
'Scan ok; ';
    foreach (
$options as $key => $val) {
"$key = $val &nbsp;";
'<br /><table>';
    while (list(
$key, list($k$term$tcount)) = each($ar)) {
      if (empty(
$k)) continue;
  } else {
"Scan failed. Error: " yaz_error($id) . "<br />";



YAZ Функции

PHP Manual

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